Sunday, April 14, 2013

C4T April

Ramsey Musallam: "5-in-5" Attempt at a MC hack
This blog post was all about multiple choice tests and a good way to make it challenging but not a trick. It is important for students to be able to scan through options and pick out the best choice. He is against multiple choice questions but he has improvised. Cycles of Learning has a great blog post about the quizzes he gave in order to track how well prepared the students were for each quiz as well as how they ranked amongst the other classes and classmates. This was performed in an AP Chemistry class.

Mr. Musallam has not posted anything current on his blog, so I chose his second to last posting. He spoke about lower Blooms in Basketball. He created a game that you can play in the classroom which still involves learning. Basically, he made single questioned sheets of paper which pertained to the lesson. The students would grab a problem (piece of paper) and solve the problem. Once they solved it, they could wad up the paper and shoot it into the bucket for a point of extra credit. He set up ground rules such as he will be roaming around blocking shots and you can shoot as many times, but each shot must be a new problem. This allows students to think critically while still having fun. I told him that it was a great idea to incorporate into class. I like the idea of students getting up and moving around in a controlled environment. It takes away from the monotony of lecture.

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