Sunday, March 3, 2013

C4Ksummary for February

ibshannonm13 C4K #1 the students blog I read, was a for a 9th grade History class. They got to choose a historical topic for their Historical Novel Project. This student wanted to read about the Salem Witch Trials. I enjoyed reading this book and watching the film as well. Therefore, the blog was enjoyable as well.The student has completed the first prologue of the story where the girls go meet with Tituba. Tituba does magic and can see into the future. The girls are not supposed to ever go talk to her. In the beginning of the story, they go see her and she performs some of her witch craft.
 "I thoroughly enjoyed reading about the Salem Witch Trials when I was in high school. We also watched the film in class once we finished the book. I highly recommend you watching it once you complete the book. The beginning of the story is very thrilling and quickly gets you on your toes wondering what is about to happen. The fact that they are breaking the towns rules and going to see Tituba sets up the story perfectly."

Max S C4K #2
Max wrote a short incomplete sentence about being a goalie. It was his very first post! He was very excited about making a few saves during a game. He also enjoyed being cheered on for his accomplishment.
Hockey Player

Room 6 C4K#3
I was assigned two students, Lucy and Junior. I looked back at their prior work from 2012 and it was great! They looked like they had fun doing their artwork and assignments that were posted online. I told them both that their work looks great and I hope they enjoy room 6. To the class I said "Hey Room 6! My name is Angela Van Vliet and I am in Dr. Strange's EDM310 class. All of your work looks great! It looks like you are all having a lot of fun in class. Enjoy the rest of the school year!"

James C4K #4
James is a 10th grader at Baldwin County High School. He has a fascinating hobby of woodwork. He said that it takes hard work and effort but it relaxes him and makes him very happy.
I said: "Hey James! I am a student in EDM 310 at The University of South Alabama. Does your school offer any woodwork classes? If so, are you taking a class that promotes your desired hobby? I wish I had taken a woodwork class in high school. Do you want to pursue your hobby and possibly make it your future job or career? Best of luck with all of your future endeavors."

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