Saturday, March 23, 2013

Blog Post #9

"At the Teacher's Desk"
I loved reading Mr. McClung's reflections of each new year of teaching. Of course, I chose to read his first account because the first year of teaching, or at any new job, you learn the greatest amount of information.
His first year teaching in an Elementary school, he learned that there is no such thing as a perfect lesson and the lesson you prepare and the lesson you present are never the same. He also touched on the subject of teachers losing focus on the most important things, the students. Lessons become more teacher focused and less student centered. It just goes to show you that people tend to get comfortable.
In his most recent blog post, year 4 reflection, he states two things: 1)you must please yourself, students, and superiors- don't worry about your peers. 2)Challenge yourself!
Like I stated earlier, teachers become comfortable in their own ways. This can really hurt your classroom. I'm not saying you can't reuse lesson plans but be sure to keep them interesting, creative, and up-to-date. creativity lightbulbs


  1. I enjoyed reading Mr. McClungs reflections also. I picked his third year reflection, and he pretty much just added to what he said in the first reflection Challenge yourself, and do not become comfortable in your ways was the main thing I really got out of it. Hope you have a great week!

    Hannah Dickerson
