Thursday, February 7, 2013

Special Blog Post #1

Misinterpreted Data
While China has the largest population, India is right behind China with the second largest population. The United States is third largest with 309 million. China has 1.3 billion, India 1.2 billion, and the United States has 309 million.
I searched "How many Loch Ness monsters are there?" I was upset with the answer though. "0. For the most part, the scientific community considers evidence of the existence of such creatures to be a combination of misidentifying and deliberate hoaxes."
"When will the sun burn out?" WolframAlpha says" 5 billion years".
I'm sure WolframAlpha could be very useful to myself and students. Though, google has  the same feature to search for things. But this site opens the most useful information pertaining to your specific search. Not only does it bring up definitions when appropriate, but also charts and graphs. There are also searchable categories so you can go out there looking for information or topics.

Social Media Count
WOAH! Just watching these numbers change so rapidly is phenomenal. It shows how technology driven, dependent, and savvy we are these days. The fact that this is all recorded is crazy. It's also odd to see some of the numbers that don't move all that much. For instance, under Games "new US child 3-11 subscribing to a Virtual World" has gone up to 15 hits in the past 305 seconds. I personally don't think kids should be going online into virtual games, but then again, I would rather my child be online in a virtual world than doing drugs to get into a virtual world. I still think there are many risks for children being online. But in most cases the outcome outweighs the risks.
Technology has completely changed this world and my profession especially. Students are now exposed to a lot of technology in the classroom each day. The use of SMART boards are phenomenal in the classroom. I love that you can exchange lesson plans online and edit activities. You can tweak them to your standards.

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